Number of players: | 276 |
Total villages: | 1.934 (7.01 per player) |
Player villages: | 506 |
Barbarian villages: | 1.428 |
Bonus villages: | 818 |
Server status: | Open |
Server run-time: | 33 days |
Players online: | 10 |
Messages sent: | 643 (2.33 per player) |
Forum posts: | 217 (0.79 per player) |
Troop movements: | 4.175 (15.13 per player) |
Trade movements: | 62 (0.22 per player) |
Number of tribes: | 24 |
Number of players in tribes: | 103 |
Total points: | 1.378.755 (4.995 per player, 713 per village) |
Total resources: |
Total troops: |
Average troops per player: |
Average troops per village: |
Newest player: | Johnmilli |
Newest tribe: | testy1 |
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