Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 30.728 (15.)
Tribe: WALL
Night bonus: Current: 00:00-08:00

Villages (1) Coordinates Points
Helena 002
494|485 1.388
Personal picture
Personal text
Prokrustes war in der griechischen Mythologie ein Räuber, der alle, die ihm in die Hände fielen, auf ein normales Bett legte. Waren sie für das Bett zu lang, wurden sie gekürzt. Waren die Gefangenen zu kurz, wurden sie gestreckt. Er machte die Gefangenen passend für das "Prokrustesbett".
Im übertragenen Sinn nennen wir heute ein starres Schema, das schmerzhafte Anpassungen erfordert, ein "Prokrustesbett". Aber auch eine unangenehme Lage, in die jemand hineingezwungen wird, nennen wir "Prokrustesbett".

Procrustes was a robber in Greek mythology who put everyone who fell into his hands on a normal bed. If they were too long for the bed, they were shortened. If the prisoners were too short, they were stretched out. He made the prisoners fit the Procrustean bed.
In a figurative sense, today we call a rigid scheme that requires painful adjustments a “Procrustean bed”.
But we also call an uncomfortable position into which someone is forced a “Procrustean bed”.

Προκρούστης στην ελληνική μυθολογία, ήταν ληστής της Αθήνας. Προσκαλούσε κάθε διαβάτη να ξαπλώσει σε ένα σιδερένιο κρεβάτι, γνωστό ως Προκρούστειος κλίνη. Αν το θύμα ήταν ψηλό κι εξείχε από το κρεβάτι, ο Προκρούστης έκοβε το περίσσιο τμήμα του σώματός του. Αντιθέτως, αν το θύμα ήταν πιο κοντό, τότε τραβούσε τα άκρα του μέχρι να φτάσουν στο μήκος του κρεβατιού.

Daily achievements
1x Defender of the day

Defeat the most units in this world as the defender.

Best result: on 25.10.2024 (832 units)

Combat achievements
Robber (Bronze - Level 2)

Loot a total of 10.000 resources.

Leader (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat a total of 10.000 enemy units.

Plunderer (Wood - Level 1)

Plunder resources from other villages 10 times.

Social achievements
Beloved Friend (Wood - Level 1)

Make a total of 5 friendships.

Brothers in Arms (Wood - Level 1)

Be a member of the same tribe for 30 consecutive days.


Graduated from an apprenticeship under .

Growth achievements
Architect (Bronze - Level 2)

Build a total of 150 building levels!

Continent scorer (Bronze - Level 2)

Make it into the top 30 of a continent!

Librarian (Bronze - Level 2)

Discover 6 unique Skill Books.

Out of time (Bronze - Level 2)

Use the instant complete option 100 times!

Paladin's level (Bronze - Level 2)

Level up your paladin to level 10.

Recruitment Drive (Bronze - Level 2)

Recruit a total of 5.000 units!

Top scorer (Bronze - Level 2)

Make it into the top 100 in the world.

Gatherer (Wood - Level 1)

Scavenge a total of 1.000 resources.

Market Guru (Wood - Level 1)

Trade resources using the market 10 times.

Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)

Complete 40 quests!

Score champion (Wood - Level 1)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100 points.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 10)

Play Tribal Wars for 10 years.

Achievements on other worlds
Beta 1

Beta 3